Thursday 2 February 2017

My English

English is the most important language all over the world. We could connect with everyone in overseas by using English, and actually, it requires a basic ability.

Talking about skills or abilities, I do realize that my English is not really bad but not really good as well. I'd taken some English course when I was a student in junior high school. I'm not really good at grammar, and some uncommon English words. Even so, I found that talking in English makes me feel confident. It feels really different when you talk not with your mother language. Sometimes I have a hard time in listening, especially with native speakers. They really fast and their pronunciation is totally different with Indonesian. But I really happy when I speak with native speakers, even though my words got jumbled because I run out of vocabulary, I keep talking even the words have a different meaning.

I really want to speak fluently with everyone. It would be great if I could fix my main errors like grammar and more vocabulary. The more you speak fluently, the more people like to talk with you. My father always says that if you could speak English well in the interview, the possibility to get hired become higher. So I always try to evolve my English abilities.

I never expect that President University is an answer for me. I could sharpen my English here. Learning everything in English is the best way to expand my vocabulary. I also need to evolve and expand my English in speaking, writing, and listening. I believe if there's a will, there's should be a way for me, so that's why I keep moving forward and never look back.

Benedictus Yose GP

Any comments, suggestion, or grammar correction will be great for me to evolve my skills.Thank you

Saturday 28 January 2017

My Experience meeting someone impotant

Every people in my life is really important me, like my family and friends. They're giving me the courage to stand up and speak up. Thank's to God that everyone surrounds me is really nice.

One of my experiences which are valuable to me is when we met up at Pizza Hut last year. We met but not as high school students, but as college's student. We met and shared our experience in college. All of us enrolled in the different college and major. Most of my friends enrolled to Accounting major. There's someone who enrolled in IT like me, and the other one enrolled to Medicine Faculty. I really surprised that they took the final exam at the next year and their college has a longer holiday than President University. Fun fact that I'm the only one who enrolled a college which is far from Jakarta. Even though we're enrolled in the different college, our friendship still remains.

We talked about what we learned in the first semester. Like is it easy or hard, do we have any struggle learning it and something like that. My friends become more active in their college life. They joined a club and then become the organizer, some of them also joined the student union, and the others active in religious communities. Well, I also joined some club which takes my interest. I really happy because they grow to become an open person. They become more mature after enrolled to the college, and I'm still thinking like a high schooler hahaha.

We have goals that we set together. We want to graduate together with a good GPA, and if possible, even though our major is different, we work at the same company so we could meet and chat every day.

Benedictus Yose GP

Any comments, suggestion, or grammar correction will be great for me to evolve my skills.

How I Met Someone Important to Me?

don't know if this count as count as my assignment or not because I got confused with the topics. please click "here" for the right one.

"Everything has changed. An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive." 
-Francesca Annis

Some people like to talk with their friends through chatting because it's simple and easy. But, some people like to talk directly by a meet at somewhere. It feels really different when we talk by chatting and meeting. Through the meeting, the feeling of togetherness is flowing away in the conversation -in the mean of hangouts-.

Even though meeting with friends and co-workers are different, we still want to give our opinion or information that we want to share. When we interact with a person, especially an important person. We should do pay attention with the basic manners when we met someone important, especially for the first time. Some people will 'judge' from the first impression from you.

So what are the right way to meet someone important for us?

Let's take a sample. Like if we want to meet sponsorship for an event. We can't meet him or her at a casual place like in the mall or small grocery store-like. We should set a place where we could talk comfortably. The atmosphere of the place also impacts the conversation. Also, don't forget to check out our schedule and his or her schedule as well. It would be bad if we set the meeting but he or she still working at the same time. Therefore, we should be careful when we set time and place to meet.

Before we meet people who are really important for us, we should know who is he or she. How about his character?  What's their position in the company? Is he easy to cooperate with us? After we know about their personalities, it should be easy for us to interact with them

When we meet him or her, don't directly ask the amount how much they could give to us. We should describe first about the event. Like what is the event, why the event should be held and the correlation with vision and missions of the respective student organization, when the event will be held, where the event will be held, who is the target participant of the event, how the event will be, etc. Then we tell about our financial budgeting, how much money we need to hold this event. If we rude to our client, we couldn't cooperate with them.

Last, do we have something common with our client? Sure! Actually, both for two sides, we and the sponsorship in this case, have something which is profitable. With their sponsor, we could ease our financial budgeting, meanwhile, we also promote their company as well. Every cooperation should generate profits for two sides

Okay, that's all. So, the main things we should aware when we meet with someone important is when and where, knowing the character, and the goals of the meetings. Thank you for reading my opinion.

Benedictus Yose GP

Any comments, suggestion, or grammar correction will be great for me to evolve my skills.

Thursday 8 December 2016

wxWIdget and How to use it -CodeLite-

Today I will post about wxWidget and how to use it as a library.

So what is wxWidgets?
wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms with a single codebase. It has popular language bindings for Python, Perl, Ruby and many other languages, and unlike other cross-platform toolkits, wxWidgets gives applications a truly native look and feel because it uses the platform's native API rather than emulating the GUI. It's also extensive, free, open-source and mature. (refer to wxWidget's sites).

How do we configure it?
We are going to use CodeLite as our IDE. Please follow this link about how to install CodeLite and MinGW as well. This section below will be explaining how to add wxWidget to CodeLite.

1. Download wxWidgets -open this link-.

2. Extract it to C;\

Now open CodeLite !

1. If you new to CodeLite, please create a new Workspace in C++.

2. Right Click to your new Workspace and create a new project.
3. Select GUI : wxWidgets GUI Application (wxFrame, using WxCrafter) as your project template
4. Write your project name and set the compiler to MinGW ( TDM-GCC-32 )
5. At the Workspace View, you can see you've made the project
6. Try to right-click to your project and click Build
7. At the Output View, it shows some error. It means that we haven't set the Environment Variables, especially the wxWidget 
8. Click Settings -> Environment Variables

9. Please write down like this to the box
10. Then try to Build the project again. and it won't be an error again

Let's start !
I'm going to show you how to create a new project, create a textbox, button and when the button click, it shows “Hello, [textbox value]" using a dialog or to another label (not terminal/console) with CodeLite.

As you can see, wxFrame, the project which you make before having 3 folders which content used to make the program

1. Click the wxcrafter.wxcp to see the workspace of the program
actually, you can just do the view by dragging it to the MyFrame

2.  First, add some text to it
-  Click m_MainToolbar and add wxStatic Text-
-To change the default text, find the upper-right box
-> Control Specific Settings -> Label-

3. Second, add wxTextCtrl 

3. Third, click BoxSizer1 at the upper right box ( Workspace view ), and click the wxButton

Sunday 27 November 2016

HTML5 : Text and Colour in Canvas

In this post, I will try to explain how to put text to the canvas using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML5 has brought some exciting new advantages to the HTML coding world. A canvas is a rectangular area on an HTML page. By default, a canvas has no border and no content. Canvas allows you to render graphics powered by Javascript. So throw away that flash code and dive into Canvas.

Fact : HTML5 is a mix of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

What's the syntax of this topic ?

How is the result of the syntax ?

Explanation :
  1. In the body of HTML, we type <canvas> tag. Canvas have 3 attributes, which is (id, width, height, and style).
  2. ID means what's the name of the canvas.
  3. Width & Height means the size of the canvas .
  4. Style means the style of the frame or border we want to use, referring to CSS. If you want to look more about the style, you can visit this link 
  5. To use JavaScript in HTML, you have to add <script> tag to the HTML so JS will work in your HTML.
  6. In the <script> tag, we add the variable of canvas and ctx.
  7. We will call  the canvas (var canvas), using document.getElementById("myCanvas") based on the variable's ID. 
  8. What's does ctx mean ? Actually, it is a shorthand for the word "context". That's it. Of course, you can use whatever name you like - there is no real naming convention in this instance.
  9. The Canvas.getContext() method returns a drawing context on the canvas, or null if the context identifier is not supported.
  10. Font, Fillsytle, TextAllign, and FillText which used in the syntax, are part of the script so the canvas will have "value". For more, you can visit this link.
  11. ctx.font -> in this part, we put the size of the text and the font we like to use.
  12. ctx.fillstyle -> in this part, we put the color of the text.
  13. ctx.textAllign -> in this part, we put the Alignment position of the text.
  14. ctx.fillText -> in this part, first, we put the text with an apostrophe, second, we write the position of the text. In the syntax above, the position means that the position will be at the center of width size and height size.
  15. For more color, you can visit this link.
Syntax :
<title>Text and Color</title>

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300"style="border:1px solid #FFFF00;">

<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "30px Comic Sans MS";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText("Text and Color", canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2);


That's all I can share thank you ;)

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Love the Synthax

In this post you'll understand all basic syntaxes of decision, looping, array, and function in C program language. For understanding the matery, we'll use Codelite.

What's Decision ? 
Decision making structures require that the programmer specifies one or more conditions to be evaluated or tested by the program, along with a statement or statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be true, and optionally, other statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be false.

first step : open Codelite, make a workspace and a project

IF (one statement)

IF . . . ELSE ( two or more statements )

What's Looping ? 
In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instruction s that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached. Typically, a certain process is done, such as getting an item of data and changing it, and then some condition is checked such as whether a counter has reached a prescribed number. 

first step : open Codelite, make a workspace and a project

WHILE LOOP (used for data which is still not sure)

note : why we need n++ because if there's not, it would be infinite loop (no stop)


FOR LOOP  (used for data which is sure)

What's Array ? 
An array is a collection of data items, all of the same type, accessed using a common name. Arrays may be initialized when they are declared, just as any other variables.

first step : open Codelite, make a workspace and a project

What's function ? 
A function is a group of statements that together perform a task. Every C program has at least one function, which is main(), and all the most trivial programs can define additional functions.

first step : open Codelite, make a workspace and a project

Reference(s) :

Monday 12 September 2016

Let's be friends with Interpreter, Compiler, and IDE

What's Interpreter ?
Computer language processor that translates a program line-by-line (statement-by-statement) and carries out the specified actions in sequence. In contrast, an assembler or compiler completely translates a program written in a high-level language (the source program) into a machine-language program (the object program) for later execution. Whereas a compiled-program executes much faster than an interpreted-program, an interpreter allows examination and modification of the program while it is running (executing).

What's Compiler ?
A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming language and turns them into machine language or "code" that a computer's processor uses. Typically, a programmer writes language statements in a language such as Pascal or C one line at a time using an editor . The file that is created contains what are called the source statements . The programmer then runs the appropriate language compiler, specifying the name of the file that contains the source statements.

What's IDE ?
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) is a standard electronic interface used between a computer motherboard's data paths or bus and the computer's disk storage devices. IDE can be known too as a programming environment integrated into a software application that provides a GUI builder, a text or code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter and a debugger. Visual Studio, Delphi, JBuilder, FrontPage and DreamWeaver are all examples of IDEs.

What's the different between 
a Compiler and an IDE?
A compiler only compiles (and perhaps Links) your code from text to binary op codes that the computer (or a virtual machine like Java) can run.

An IDE -- INTEGRATED development environment -- runs your compiler, places your cursor on errors, may be able to run your program within a debugger and allow you to seemlessly step through the source code as the program runs.

It's INTEGRATING the editor, compiler, linker, syntax checker, debugger, and maybe other tools like graphical and other resource editors.

curious how to install the programs above? please check out below ...
note : I will use Codelite and MinGW as example in Windows 10

How to download Codelite ?
1. Open the link of Codelite's site and click Download CodeLite 9.2 (current version)

2.  Just click Not now, take me to the download »

3. Choose Windows Installer 64 bit 

How to install CodeLite ?
1. Open the installer, and then click Next

2. Click 'I accept the agreement' and click next

3. To avoid / prevent any error(s) on installing, please select the destination location in C, then click Next

4. Click Next

5. Do you want to create its desktop icon? Mark it, but if you don't want you can just click Next

6. Click Install and you're done

How to install MinGW
1. Download the MinGW from here (directly inform from Codelite sites)

2. Open the installer and choose create

3. Choose the second one

4. Click Next, you can read if you want

5. Choose where do you want to save the installation

6. Click Next

7. Wait until the installation is done
- TDM-GCC already set the PATH, you don't need to make the other one -
- for ease in using the program, i recommend you to restart the system-

How to Compile a Simple Source Code
before you compile, you need codelite to scan your compiler. Click Settings -> Build Settings -> Scan icon (folder and lup, red) -> and click the compiler which we installed before -

1. Open the CodeLite and click New Workspace

2. Choose C ++ and name your Workspace

as you can see at the left side, you already made your workspace

3. Right Click at the name of the workspace, and select 'Create New Project'

4. Because we're already install MinGW, we'll choose the one with (gcc) 

5. Name your Project

6. Please follow like this setting and then click 

7. Click the arrow before your project's name, then src, and click the main.c

8.  Try to change 'hello world' to anything you like. 

9. To make sure that there's no anything wrong with the code, editor, or compiler, click Build -> Build Project and check the box below thw workspace and the layer. Make sure there's no error or warnings .

10. After that you can Build -> Build and Run Project and it would show like this

Reference(s) :